Friday, May 28, 2010 Food For The Poor building houses in Haiti

For the millions of desperate made-homeless-by-the-earthquake people in Haiti, there is some good news: Food For The Poor is making progress in building more and more houses in Haiti. The charity organization is aiming to build 400 to 500 houses per month in Haiti and they are already in the building process.
There is a Haitian saying "Yo baw kabann, epi-w mande dra." It simply means that, many times, we forget to say "thank you" for the little things that people do for us. Instead we criticize them for not doing more.
Right now, the focus is on getting the earthquake victims in Haiti off the streets and into a safe dry place for the long term.

Friday, May 21, 2010

All - Nighter For The Poor: My Journey

All - Nighter For The Poor: My Journey Please read and comment about this special person's experience in Jamaica.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


A post earthquake look at the situation in Haiti after the disaster, and Food For The Poor's efforts to help rebuild housing for suffering Haitians.

Four Months After Haiti Earthquake: Need Continues

More than a million people remain homeless from the January earthquake as hurricane season looms over the Caribbean country of Haiti. The homeless, the hungry, those struggling to survive myriad challenges make up the images of the picture of Haiti four months after the earthquake. The need is everywhere – if an area was not directly hit, it has been affected by the migration of those looking for food, for water, for more than a tarp over their heads and dirt under their backs when they finally lay down at night.
"If there is one thing that everyone should know about the efforts to help the people in Haiti, it is that the need is ever-present, and we will be doing this work for a long time," said Robin Mahfood, President/CEO of Food For The Poor. "The people are struggling day-to-day, and we are their only hope. While we are working hard to meet their needs, we have to do more and make it happen more quickly for them. We need everyone’s help."

South Florida Medical Director Strikes the Right Note for Haiti

COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (May 17, 2010) - VITAS Innovative Hospice Care is presenting a benefit concert in Coconut Grove for Food For The Poor's Haiti relief efforts. The concert, on Friday, May 21 from 6 to 9 p.m., will be at Flavour, an old church that has been converted into a lounge and nightclub

Hope Takes Root in Haiti

To celebrate Haiti’s Labor Day, more than 1,500 people planted more than 25,000 trees high up in the mountains of Mahotière, which is just south of Port-au-Prince. Now Mahotière, the farm community where the trees were planted, has a strong head start to combat the heavy deforestation, soil erosion and hunger that have become the area’s reality. Food For The Poor donated the trees, and staff oversaw the well-choreographed tree planting by the community on the mountain slopes.

A little girl needs your help to build homes in Haiti

During the past year, Rachel Wheeler, 10, has raised money to construct 12 concrete double-unit houses with access to sanitation and potable water in Leogane, Haiti. Food For The Poor, the largest international relief and development organization in the United States will be building these homes in this very poor coastal community. The country’s dire housing needs were compounded by the catastrophic Jan. 12 earthquake that leveled most of Haiti’s capital city, Port-au-Prince.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Friends, family keep Crispinelli's efforts to change the world alive Friends, family keep Crispinelli's efforts to change the world alive
Disasters and crises tend to unite communities in aid, and that is certainly the case after the untimely and tragic death of Stephanie Crispinelli of Katonah, the former Rosenthal JCC volunteer and camp counselor who died on a humanitarian trip sponsored by her college during the earthquake in Haiti in January. In April, the Rosenthal JCC of Northern Westchester launched the “Stephanie’s Caring Bears” project, and the community has rallied around the cause. Also, her family has created the Stephanie Crispinelli Humanitarian Fund to continue her dream of helping the needy.

Monday, May 10, 2010

College Students Raise Awareness and Funds to Build a Second School in Jamaica

COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (May 4, 2010) – For the second year in a row, members of Lynn University’s Students For The Poor lived in tents and fasted, as well as sponsored a public forum in order to bring attention to the desperate living conditions of those who remain homeless and in need throughout Haiti. For several years the campus organization has partnered with the international relief and development agency, Food For The Poor, to provide food, emergency relief assistance, access to clean water, the construction of homes and schools, and the shipment of medical and educational supplies to the destitute

Monday, May 3, 2010

Clinton Global Initiative University 2010 Inspires College Students

Clinton Global Initiative University 2010 Inspires College Students
COCONUT CREEK, Fla. (May 3, 2010) – Former President Bill Clinton announced this month that more than 290,000 people worldwide would be impacted positively by the commitments of college students nationwide at the third-annual Clinton Global Initiative University (CGIU). Among those chosen to attend the meeting at the University of Miami were Miami Dade College students who pulled an “all-nighter” with the international relief agency Food For The Poor to raise funds to construct a self-sustaining tilapia project in Haiti.