Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tilapia Farm

This video shows one of our programs that helps bring self sustaining hunger relief to regions in the Caribbean dealing with overwhelming hunger.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Haiti and Eating Dirt Cookies

Please watch this short video about Haiti's poor and the reality that they must eat DIRT to survive. I did not believe this until I went to Haiti, but, unfortunately this is very true. Parents will feed their children dirt cookies to keep the from crying at night from hunger.

I would ask for your reaction, whatever your reaction may be. The intention is to increase awareness and get different opinions.

I respectfully thank you.


Source: AP

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hunger Solution-Chicken Farming

Chicken Farming
Protein deficiency is one of the greatest causes of malnutrition in the Caribbean and Latin America. The gift of baby chicks will not only help provide a family with a sustainable form of protein (eggs), but the sale of extra eggs can also be a supplemental source of income. Chickens, endearing birds that require modest space and effortless nurturing, are the ideal product for a self-sustaining animal husbandry initiative. Chickens are economical and require minimal maintenance, and the protein from their eggs will help prevent the devastating
effects of malnutrition. With this initiative, the backyard of any rural home can be the source of
food for a family.

Please join "All-Nighter for the Poor" to learn more about hunger solutions.

Hunger Fact

Please join "All-Nighter for the Poor" to help the hungry and starving.

FACT: One third of newborn babies are born underweight; acute undernutrition among children under 5 is 9 percent; chronic undernutrition is 24 percent; 50 percent of pregnant women and two thirds of children under 5 are affected by anaemia.

Source:World Food Programme (wfp.org)

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Hunger Solution

The sea and fishery sector now play a critical roles in developing food resources for poor and undernourished countries. Over the last two decades aquaculture (fish farming) has become a viable farming alternative for food insecure countries.

Tilapia farming, the nurturing and harvesting of tilapia fish, is a prime example of aquaculture.
Tilapia farming is a self-sustaining fish harvest initiative specifically designed to enhance food
production, produce a nutritional source of food to reduce malnutrition, and encourage economic
sustainability with a viable and marketable product.

Learn more about this and other life -saving projects on October 16th, All Nighter for the Poor.

2008 Storms

Haiti is still struggling to recover from a series of ferocious tropical storms and hurricanes that struck the country in August-September 2008. Hundreds of people died, vast portions of arable land were destroyed, roads and food stocks were washed away. Source: Haiti World Food Programme United NationsPlease help by joining: www.allnighterforthepoor.com

World hunger hits one billion

World hunger 'hits one billion' http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hope For Haiti

Please watch this and join "All Nighter for the Poor" to help make a difference.

Clinton's Appointment May Bring Hope For Haiti - cbs4.com
Source: cbs4.com
While the national spotlight has faded on Haiti, as it tries to recover from the devastation of four hurricanes in 2008, the plight of the suffering there continues. The images were shocking and the destruction widespread.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Poverty Fact--join "All Nighter" and make the fact false

Every 6 seconds a child dies of poverty related causes.--Please join "All Nighter for the Poor" and end this.


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Planning for your "All Nighter"

All Nighter for the Poor Early planning… • Planning: Making the All-Nighter a reality on your campus will take some planning and effort, but it’s very do-able. This night can have a HUGE impact on your campus, church and community! How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The world tomorrow will belong to those who brought it the greatest hope."

Please join "All Nighter for the Poor" and bring hope.

Make an Immeasurable Difference

What is "All Nighter for the Poor"?

It is a way for every person on every college campus, to work together to make a real change in the 17 countries Food For The Poor serves in the Caribbean and Latin America.

A way to make an immeasurable difference...besides raising much needed funding, this night allows you to educate and raise awareness on the issue of hunger.

Please call or sign up and find out how you can be the change.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

YOU are that ONE

"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin".
~Mother Teresa

Why me…
ONE can help and change that one in 8 Haitian children dies before the age of 8.
ONE special night could help change that.
One special person needs to lead the way on your campus

YOU are that ONE. Please call or sign up your campus to help start saving lives.

Thank you.